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Brand: COBO-3B6

Code: 1084991

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Product details


Programmable controller for applications on any type of machine. It has a high number of configurable, self-protected and self-diagnosing I/Os. Designed with a low cost per input/output ratio, its typical application is as an I/O expansion for large machines. However, it has a double processor, so it can also be used as a Master control unit. Programmable in C language or in IEC61131 with the VT3 Integrated Development System.

Technical information

Technical specifications
-Power supply: 8 - 32 V in operation, suitable for direct vehicle battery connection
-Power supply current: 32A @ Tenv = +80 °C max, full load
-Microprocessors: 1x Freescale 16 bit, 40 MHz (1st CPU); 1x Freescale 8 bit, 40 MHz (2nd CPU)
-RAM Memory: 16 kB (1st CPU) + 2 kB (2nd CPU)
-E2PROM Memory: 4 kB (1st CPU) + 1 kB (2nd CPU) 64 Kb
-Storage temperature: from -40°C to +85°C (from -40°F to +185°F)
-Operating temperature: from -40°C to +80°C (from -40°F to +176°F)
-CAN BUS line: 2x CAN bus, 2.0B high speed, (11 or 29 bit identifier), compliant with ISO 11898-2, speed up to 1 Mbit/s, CAN-OPEN compatible
Mechanical characteristics: 
-Case: Aluminum housing
-Connector: 2 x AMP 35 pin automotive
-Protection: IP69K


-Controllore di sistemi idraulici proporzionali con molte risorse
-Controllore unico per veicoli mobili industriali
-Controllore per spreader e applicazioni portuali
-TECU per trattori secondo standard ISOBUS
-IECU per attrezzature agricole secondo standard ISOBUS
-Controllore per escavatori o pale gommate