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Brand: COBO-3B6

Code: 1032337

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Product details


“SLAVE” CAN BUS I/O expansion module with ON/OFF and analogue inputs and ON/OFF and PWM outputs.
Based on Freescale processors.
Compact in shape, they differ from ARM units due to the lower number of I/Os.
“Automotive” connector and IP 67 enclosure.

Technical information

 Technical specifications:
-Microprocessore Freescale, 16bit, clock 25 MHz 
-Memoria Flash 64 KB
-Memoria RAM 4 KB 
-1 KB EEPROM memory for storing parameters
-Optional 256KB Flash memory for data storage and BlackBox (only for Midac-BB)
-1 CAN BUS line, CAN 2.0B (11 or 29 bit), compliant with ISO 11898-2, speed up to 1 Mbit/s
- Optional 2 standard RS232 serial lines (transmission speed up to 57600 baud)
Electrical characteristics:
-Power supply voltage: 9 ÷ 30 Vdc (Operates directly on the vehicle power supply network)
-Separate power input for Output and Internal Logic
-Internal logic absorption: max 200 mA
-Output absorption: max. current 10 A (external fuse required)
-Internal safety relay, used to deactivate the Outputs in case of malfunction of the hardware or software
-Internal relay output available on the connector
Environmental characteristics:
-Operating temperature range: -25°C to +70°C
-Storage temperature range: -35°C to +85°C


-Controllore di piccoli sistemi idraulici proporzionali di precisione
-Controllore unico per trasmissioni idrostatiche o elettroidrauliche
-Controllore per spreader di piccole dimensioni Small size spreader controller
-TECU per trattori secondo standard ISOBUS
-Controllore per escavatori o pale gommate
-Controllore per applicazioni di sicurezza in genere (fino a PL-C/D)